7 Reasons Why You Need Career Counseling Right Now

7 Reasons Why You Need Career Counseling Right Now

“Career counseling has been designed to help with choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available at any stage in life.”

Career counseling can benefit everyone, people who are yet to choose a career, as well as anyone who has been in the workforce or out of it for quite many years.

Here’s how:

  1. Clarity. If you have that nagging feeling that you are not fully happy, but not sure why, career counseling can help you get clear about what you would like to change in your work life and how to get to the point of more fulfillment.

  2. Decisions. If you are overwhelmed with different options and not sure which way to go/ road to take, a career counseling session or a few can offer guidance.

  3. Transitions/Return to Work. If you’re in a position of returning to work after being home for a while with child(ren) or for other reasons and need guidance on how to make that transition back to the workforce, discussing your situation with a career counselor can help you make the transition painless.

  4. Getting Unstuck. If you feel stuck in your current job and are not sure which route to take, or you need help with outlining and discussing the possible career options, a counseling sessions will bring the clarity.

  5. Promotion, Strategy = career plan, career counselor can provide help with designing your career plan according to your aspirations and ambitions.

  6. Interview preparation - if you have that important job interview coming up, a career counselor can help you prepare for it and add more confidence.

  7. Reinventing yourself. Sometimes in life we need a 180 degree turn from what we’ve been doing, either realizing that the qualifications and career we have chosen has exhausted itself or it’s time to try out that childhood dream of yours. Even if changing your jobs can feel scary and your dream job unreachable, working with a career counselor can bring it closer.

I hope you found this article useful, you are welcome to reach out and book a session with me. I look forward to working with you!